Browse our team’s latest swimming achievements and wider club news
Saturday 07 July 2018
Updated results available as and when possible during the event. https://www.cityofnorwichsc.co.uk/live_results/2018MSM/
Thursday 21 June 2018
Saturday 16th June at the UEA Sportspark saw the final of the Eastern Junior League. Two teams of both City…..
Tuesday 12 June 2018
The summer marks the end of the swimming season and even a little rest for our swimming community. Not too…..
Tuesday 29 May 2018
A squad of 23 City of Norwich swimmers enjoyed a highly successful 2018 East Region Age Groups Championships. Olivier Olivier…..
Tuesday 01 May 2018
On Saturday 28th April the City of Norwich A and B teams were out to swim their fins off in…..
Sunday 29 April 2018
County youth swimmers had a great weekend at the Norwich Swan Open Meet and sent us a photo of the…..
Saturday 14 April 2018
We are delighted to announce that Swim England have accredited our swimming club with “SwimMark Performance Swimming”. City of Norwich…..
Tuesday 03 April 2018
Newmarket 2018 With coach Sophie Fairhurst to guide and support, City of Norwich swimmers Oliver Jarrett, Catherine Marr, Suzanne Warren…..
Friday 23 March 2018
Just to give you all a reference for the 2018 April – May Training Amendments (PDF).